IVF Facts
September 11, 2023
5 min read

Pride: Discrimination in Fertility Care

In honor of this year's Pride Month, we want to raise awareness about discrimination against LGBTQIA+ people who are on the path to parenthood.

In a world that is still full of discrimination, individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community face unique challenges on their fertility journey. Beyond the emotional and physical complexities of fertility treatments, they often confront prejudice and hostility, casting shadows on their choice to build a family. It is crucial to recognize and address these hurdles, fostering an environment of inclusivity and support for everyone on their path to parenthood.

In a study of 2020*, nearly one-third of LGBTQIA+ respondents expressed difficulties in accessing essential healthcare due to financial constraints and associated costs. Unlike different-sex couples who may have insurance coverage for fertility treatments after trying to conceive for 6–12 months (depending on age), many LGBTQIA+ couples are excluded from the traditional definition of"infertility." Consequently, they often have to bear the burden of out-of-pocket expenses for their family-building journey.

This discrimination can lead to poor mental health, or even to ending fertility treatment and the dream of having a child. The facts at hand highlight the barriers faced by the LGBTQIA+ community in obtaining necessary medical services and emphasize the need for improved affordability and accessibility in healthcare systems.

Building a family should be a journey filled with hope, joy, and support, regardless of one's sexual orientation or gender identity. By acknowledging the unique challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals on their fertility journey and actively promoting inclusivity, we can foster a more compassionate and equitable world. At MedITEX IVF, we believe in the power of inclusivity. We want to help you fulfill your dream of having a baby, no matter who you are and who you love.

That's why we're committed to constantly improving and evolving our software to accommodate everyone. We're excited to announce that you'll get to experience the results of our latest mission early next year. Stay tuned for our next step on the road to a more inclusive fertility journey!


*Study:https://lnkd.in/eTh9gCa4, October 6th 2020.

Article:https://lnkd.in/eNSWHWma, June 21st 2022.