IVF Facts
March 7, 2024
3 min

How International Women's Day Shapes Fertility Treatment

On March 8th 2024, we are celebrating the 113th International Women's Day. It is to honor all the achievements of women worldwide, as well as to remind and indicate about the various ways of gender inequality that women are facing worldwide and everyday.

Inspired by the socialist movement and the growing women's rights activism, thousands of people took to the streets in Europe on March 19, 1911. The reasoning for the first International Women's Day were the desire for women's suffrage and the emancipation of female workers. Women and men came together to demand equal rights and opportunities for women in various aspects of society, including the workplace, education, and politics. Since 1921, the International Women’s Day has been celebrated annually on March 8th. 

Today, the International Women’s Day (IWD) serves as a platform to raise awareness about gender inequality worldwide. While the primary focus of IWD is on advocating for women's rights and gender equality in all spheres of life (like education, or politics), its influence on fertility treatments specifically is also evident. The advocacy for women's autonomy over their bodies, reproductive rights, and access to healthcare has led to improvements in reproductive medicine, including greater awareness of fertility issues, advancements in assisted reproductive technologies (such as IVF), and increased access to fertility treatments for women and couples worldwide.

Additionally, the recognition of women's health as a fundamental aspect of gender equality has led to laws and changes aimed at improving reproductive healthcare services, including family planning, infertility treatment, and maternal health. International Women's Day also encourages empowerment and support for women facing infertility challenges. It highlights the importance of providing compassionate care, emotional support, and access to fertility treatments to help women achieve their reproductive goals. Not only in their private lives, but also at work.

Overall, International Women's Day serves as a reminder to celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness about gender inequality, and advocate for women's health and reproductive rights!